About George Blecher

George Blecher is a journalist, fiction writer and literary translator.
He has published over a hundred articles, essays and reviews about American politics and culture in some 15 countries from the U.S. (New York Times, New Republic, The Nation, Newsday, Village Voice, etc.) to Russia and Turkey. He is a contributor to the New York Times Metro Section and the Copenhagen daily Information, as well as the trans-European online journal eurozine.com, based in Vienna.
His fiction has appeared in a number of literary magazines in the U.S. and abroad (New American Review, St. Ann’s Review, Ontario Review, etc.) A book of short fiction, Other People Exist, appeared in Danish, Czech, Turkish and Bulgarian translations. A memoir/novel, How to be Alone in Denmark, was published by Vandkunsten (Copenhagen) in 2018; it originated in an essay in the New York Times.